About Puāwai - Kai

Puāwai - Kai is a free healthy lifestyle course for all ages. It runs for eight sessions, two hours per week. It is delivered in small groups of up to 16 participants by trained facilitators.

Sessions 1 - 3

We’ll support you to make lifestyle changes in what and how you eat.

We’ll also touch on other factors that affect your health, like sleep, stress and being an active person.

Look forward to shared kai provided by our team.

Sessions 4 - 8

You’ll be in the kitchen cooking - putting the ideas into action!

Enjoy shared kai you have prepared yourself.

  • eggs

    Session 1

    • Enjoying a healthy relationship with food.

    • Having a routine

    • Share kai - breakfast foods

  • soup

    Session 2

    Filling up with whole foods

    Enjoying more water

    Share kai - minestrone soup with bread and spreads

  • salad

    Session 3

    • Sleeping well

    • Moving

    • Taking care of you

    • Eating mindfully

    • Share kai - make your own salad bowl

  • fish

    Session 4

    • How to read a recipe

    • Knife skills

    • Cook tuna baked potato and bean salad

  • pizza

    Session 5

    Know what you eat - learn how to read food labels

    Make homemade pizza and green salad

  • quiche

    Session 6

    • Learn different ways to cook eggs

    • Cook mini vegetable quiches and make easy coleslaw

  • nachos

    Session 7

    Making multiple dishes from one recipe

    Learn more about legumes

    Make nachos using our savoury mince recipe

  • curry

    Session 8

    • Learn how to cook rice

    • Cook chickpea and vegetable curry

“I feel more confident in my skills. I am also teaching my sons new skills and they are trying new foods.”

- Course Participant

  • Is it about dieting?

    Puāwai - Kai is not a diet.

    Instead, it focuses on making small lifestyle changes that together add up to a big change in health.

    The emphasis is on health gain, rather than impossible weight loss goals.

  • Who is it for?

    Puāwai - Kai focuses on health through food and connection.

    It’s especially for people who are at risk or are managing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety.

    Puāwai - Kai aims to improve your motivation and confidence to get in the kitchen and cook at home!

  • Does it cost?

    There’s no cost, but we need your commitment to attend.

    Each week we share kai. The first three weeks we provide it, the following five weeks you will be preparing a meal. This is shared as a group.

    We’ll also provide you with a book giving you information, tips and recipes.