Meet our Facilitators

  • FRANCES young


    Frances is a qualified counsellor and wellbeing advisor with over 10 years experience as a facilitator with Pegasus programmes. She loves working with a diverse range of people and communities.

  • rebecca facilitator


    Rebecca is a practice nurse and Muma of four beautiful babes.

  • karen


    Karen has a background in food science and is passionate about community-based education and lifelong learning.

  • beck


    Beck is a Registered Nutritionist and mum of two busy boys. She loves outdoor adventures in the hills and cooking for anyone who will eat it.

  • lucy


    Lucy is a part-time gardener who enjoys growing food for friends and family.

  • annie


    Annie is a mother of three and one fur baby as well as Head Chef at the Christchurch City Mission. She is passionate about food and teaching.

  • Noraini


    Noraini is a Wellbeing Outreach Coordinator who is looking forward to working in this space.

  • diana puawai kai facilitator


    Diana is a Community Mental Health Manager who loves seeing people’s health thrive.

  • Megan in snow on mountain


    Megan is a Registered Dietitian with over 16 years experience working in public and community based healthcare. She loves helping people achieve their individual health goals and seeing them flourish.

  • Jennifer Puawai Kai facilitator


    Jennifer is a Registered Nurse and an animal lover! She has a passion for adult education and supporting participants to reach their lifestyle goals.

  • brooke puawai kai facilitator


    Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto. Brooke is a recent Nutrition graduate who realises the “power of food” in health and wellbeing.

  • jenny


    Jenny is a mum of four. She has a passion for helping people to eat healthy meals on a budget, and has been part of the team at the Christchurch City Mission for 14 years.

  • Amanda

    Amanda is an Associate NZ Registered Nutritionist, health coach and ex-chef. She is passionate about supporting people in the community, cooking affordable foods that are beneficial to health and wellbeing.

“I value how lovely the facilitator was, no judgement, she was just ‘human’ and I felt valued.”

- Course Participant

“There was a very chill, easy-going atmosphere. The people in my class were very kind and I felt more comfortable to socialise”

- Course Participant