White Rice

white rice

Rice comes in many different shapes and colours. Brown, black or red varieties are better for health than white (polished) rice, as the hull (rich in fibre and vitamins) has been retained.


Preparation time

30 minutes



4 serves

What you need

  • 1 cup uncooked rice

  • 1 ½ cups water


  • Place rice and water in a small saucepan; bring to the boil over a medium heat, stir once to separate grains.

  • Boil for one minute, cover saucepan with lid and remove pan from heat.

  • Leave to stand covered for 10 – 12 minutes before serving.


  • Ready-to-go sachets of cooked rice can be very useful when cooking for one or two or when you are in a hurry. Team them up with other simple foods for a quick and easy meal. For example, mix a can of lemon and pepper tuna with some chopped tomato and sliced spring onion, and serve over warmed rice.

  • If you prefer white rice, choose basmati; it is a healthier option.




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