Winter Wellness

Colder days can mean more winter sickness and for some people the "winter blues". Here's a few tips to keep well over winter:

  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. One of the easiest and cheapest ways is a beautiful bowl of soup. Check out our website for some recipe ideas.

  • Spend some time outside. A walk outside is good for our lungs, limbs and mind!

  • Move more! Sign up for Wellbeing Bingo to help develop new activity habits. This campaign runs through August with 5 weekly prize draws, and a final prize draw.

  • Get fresh air in your home on sunny days by opening windows during the day and closing them before the sun goes down. Airing helps keep your home dry.

  • Share kai with whānau or friends; a pot luck lunch or dinner shares the load and the recipe ideas. There's nothing better for our health than connecting with others.

  • Make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date. Free flu jabs are available for over 65s, Māori and Pacific people over 55, pregnant women and those with underlying health conditions.

  • It's best to stay home if you are coughing or sneezing. Teach your whānau to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or cough or sneeze into their upper sleeve or elbow, not their hands.

  • Visit your GP if you need to or use Healthline (0800 611 116) for advice.

Winter vegetable ideas

In the midst of winter it's time to enjoy:

  • Root vegetables such as carrots, kūmara, yams and parsnips. Roast a tray and turn it into a salad, frittata or fill a wrap. Leave the skins on where possible and go for as many different colours as you can. Try our Puāwai - Kai Roast Vegetables recipe.

  • Mandarins, New Zealand oranges, kiwifruit and tamarillos. Sounds like the making of a winter fruit salad to enjoy with breakfast, 3pm snack or after-dinner.

Elaina Culbert

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Money Saving Ideas!


Tips for managing stress as published in Style Magazine.