Mini Vegetable Quiches

Eggs are budget-friendly and make a great base for any meal.


Preparation time

10 minutes plus 15 - 20 mins cooking time



4 serve

What you need

  • 12 wholemeal bread slices, with crusts removed

  • Thin spread Marmite or Vegemite

  • 1 cup cheese, grated

  • ¼ cup parsley, chives, or spring onions, finely chopped

  • 4 eggs, lightly beaten

  • 1 can creamed corn

  • 1 red pepper (optional)

  • Salt and pepper to taste                                                 


  • Preheat oven to 190°C.

  • Lightly grease muffin tins with oil and a pastry brush, or oil spray. If pans are non-stick, no oil is necessary.

  • Flatten bread slices individually with a rolling pin or the palm of your hand and place in muffin tins to create a bread case. Using the back of a teaspoon, spread Marmite/Vegemite into the base of each.

  • Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and spoon into bread cases.

  • Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.


  • Don’t like Marmite? Use relish, chutney or pesto instead.

  • These quiches freeze well. If you live by yourself, make a batch and freeze what you don’t use for another day.




Cheese and Herb Omelette