Simple Sweet and Sour

sweet and sour chicken and vegetables

Vegetables of different colours have different nutrients - the more variety of colours in a meal the better!


Preparation time

30 minutes




What you need

  • 1 tablespoon oil

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • 1 teaspoon OR 2 cloves garlic, crushed

  • 1 red, yellow OR green pepper, de-seeded and sliced

  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced

  • 500g chicken, beef or pork, diced

  • 1 can (425g) pineapple pieces in juice (keep the juice!)

  • 1 tablespoon cornflour

  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce

  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce


  1. Heat the oil in a fry pan and stir-fry onion, garlic, pepper and mushrooms for 3 - 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.

  2. Add your choice of meat or tofu (if vegetarian) and cook over a high heat for 3 minutes, turning frequently.

  3. Drain the pineapple pieces, reserving the juice. In a bowl, stir juice gradually into cornflour to make a paste. Add tomato sauce and soy sauce.

  4. Return the vegetables to the fry pan. Add cornflour mixture and pineapple pieces.

  5. Heat until bubbling and cook for 2 - 3 mimutes, stirring constantly until sauce is smooth and clear.


  • To make vegetarian sweet and sour, replace the meat with tofu. Or add sliced omlette or cashew nuts at the end with the pineapple pieces

Did you know?

  • Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious, and you can replace a stif-fry mix with the fresh vegetables. You will need about 500g of frozen vegetables for this recipe


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