Fruit Smoothie

fruit smoothie

Kick start your day or fuel your body mid-afternoon. This is a great recipe for hungry tamariki.

Some commercial smoothies are heavy on added sugar. Our simple recipe is based on wholefoods: milk + yoghurt + fruit, how easy is that!


Preparation time

5 minutes



1 serve

What you need

  • 200ml milk (small cup)

  • 1/4 cup yoghurt

  • 1/4 cup fruit (use what’s in season or frozen berries)                                                         


  1. Blend all ingredients together using a blender or food processor.

  2. Serve!


  • Add a weetbix or 2 tablespoons of oats for extra fibre and body

  • If you like savoury flavours try a handful of spinach or 1/2 avocado when in season

  • Use cold milk and frozen berries or a banana for a thicker, colder smoothie

What’s in season?

  • For an autumn/winter smoothie use feijoa, kiwifruit or banana

  • For a summer smoothie use berries, peaches, plums or nectarines

  • Canned fruit works well too!


Scrambled Eggs

