Breakfast Chris John Breakfast Chris John

Granola Jars

Looking for a gift for your friends? These granola jars are simple, and you can change the ingredients (nuts, seeds and dried fruit) depending on what you have in the cupboard.

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Mains, Breakfast Chris John Mains, Breakfast Chris John

Corn Fritters

Always keep a can of creamed corn in your cupboard for this easy lunch or dinner meal. Tamariki will love them in their lunchboxes.

These fritters freeze well so even if you live alone make a batch to freeze in portions for a later date.

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Breakfast, Snacks Chris John Breakfast, Snacks Chris John

Fruit Smoothie

Kick start your day or fuel your body mid-afternoon. This is a great recipe for hungry tamariki. Some commercial smoothies are heavy on added sugar. Our simple recipe is based on wholefoods: milk + yoghurt + fruit, how easy is that!

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