How to cook eggs!

poached eggs

Eggs are full of protein and quick to cook. Let’s go!

Poached eggs

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil.

  2. When water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

  3. Lower heat so water is just simmering. Carefully crack egg(s) directly into water (or into a ladle or teacup) and gently lower into the water.

  4. Allow the egg(s) to set around the yolk like a white pillow. The egg(s) should float to the top when the white is set. Simmer for 4 minutes if you like your yolk a little runny.

Boiled eggs

  1. Put egg(s) in a saucepan with a fitted lid, cover with cold water, put lid on, place on the element and heat until the water starts to boil.

  2. Remove the pot from the element. DO NOT lift the lid.

  3. Set a timer and leave until the egg(s) are just the way you like them:

    • 3 - 4 minutes for runny yolks

    • 5 - 6 minutes for soft eggs

    • 8 - 10 minutes for hard boiled eggs

Fried eggs

  1. Heat a little oil in a small fry pan on a medium heat, or use an oil spray, or a non-stick pan.

  2. Break egg(s) into the pan. If your pan has a lid, put it on to help cook the top of the egg(s).

  3. Cook until the white is set and the yolk is how you like it. Serve immediately.


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