Mains Elaina Culbert Mains Elaina Culbert


Always a crowd-pleaser, our nacho recipe has added vegetables and lentils for a boost of protein and fibre!

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Mains Elaina Culbert Mains Elaina Culbert

Easy Sapasui - Chop Suey

Sapasui is a firm favourite at any feast. Food after all is not only made for eating, but for sharing and giving away. We know every aiga (family) will have their own version of this recipe, so feel free to mix it up. Our recipe uses lots of vegetables!

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Breakfast Chris John Breakfast Chris John

Granola Jars

Looking for a gift for your friends? These granola jars are simple, and you can change the ingredients (nuts, seeds and dried fruit) depending on what you have in the cupboard.

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Mains Chris John Mains Chris John

Chicken and Pumpkin Curry

This is an easy dinner meal and one that you can mix and match vegetables - use kūmara instead of pumpkin and any frozen vegetables you have in your freezer.

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Mains Chris John Mains Chris John

Oven Style Hangi

A modern twist to a traditional cooking method. Using smoked paparika will give your oven hangi a lovely smokey flavour.

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