Recipes for Snacks
Filled with protein, fibre and other nutrients, nuts and seeds make the perfect snack and a great addition to salads and baking. Try sprinkling some nuts and seeds on your porridge or morning cereal.
Adding mashed banana or grated apple makes these muffins very moist. They are great served with a milky drink as a perfect snack!
There’s always a bag of frozen peas in the freezer. Our pea pesto is super easy and will be a firm favourite with friends and whānau.
Legumes are full of goodness as well as being cheap, tasty and convenient to use. One way to enjoy them is to make this easy hummus to spread on your bread or toast or have with vegetable sticks.
Wholemeal pita crisps are a great alternative to chips. Serve them with your favourite dip next time you are sharing kai with friends or whānau.
Kick start your day or fuel your body mid-afternoon. This is a great recipe for hungry tamariki. Some commercial smoothies are heavy on added sugar. Our simple recipe is based on wholefoods: milk + yoghurt + fruit, how easy is that!
This is a great recipe when avocadoes are in season (September to April). Make a bowl the next time you are sharing kai with whānau or friends.
Date loaf might remind you of your nana. If you feel in the mood to do some baking, this loaf is easy to make and packed with fibre from the dates and nuts. Enjoy!